Hey there!

My name is Nikoleta, the Founder & CEO of Sustain & Impact Tourism.

When I started my professional journey in the sector as a 17 year-old, I became quickly disillusioned seeing that scam is a common practice, tourists are the kings even if they destroy our destination, and the laws are so ambiguous that they are easy to ignore. It was frustrating, but also inspiring. This pushed me and a few years later, I found myself finishing a master in Sustainable Destination and Resources Management with a thesis about human rights in tourism.

I was determined to apply what I have learned, but the overwhelm of my day-to-day responsibilities left me working on autopilot until one day, I said stop. Exhausted, demotivated, and frustrated, I made some important changes in my life and said to myself that I will not compromise anymore. It’s sustainable tourism or nothing. That’s how this Sustain & Impact Tourism started.

Are you ready to join me on the journey for a better tourism?

  • Sustainable hospitality consulting

    Are you ready to join Sustain & Impact Tourism on the journey for a better tourism?